Post creation

Agent N

Last Update il y a 3 mois

Right at the top of the Feed is the content creator module where you can create a new Badge, Points, Content, or Chat post.

Using the streamlined creation process you can start creating your post without even leaving the Feed. If you're on any page other than the Feed, the Create Post in the left-hand navigation will open a modal window with the post editor form so you can easily create posts from anywhere on the web app.

To begin, first choose your post type by clicking the applicable icon in the bottom left of the editor, then enter your title, description, and image. For the Content post type you'll have the additional step of populating your document in the rich text editor.

You can also set your privacy settings--which are defaulted to Everyone--according to your desired conditions as defined by your selected Integrations and Sources. You are also able to toggle between New and Existing to differentiate between a net new post creation or a redeployment of an existing post with a new set of claim conditions. Reissuing existing posts can also be initiated directly from the individual post page by starting a new Event.

Once created, a new content card will immediately appear in your Feed in a temporarily locked state while the backend processes your post content. A loading icon will appear in place of the timestamp until processing has completed, at which point the post will fully appear in a public, unlocked state that can then be viewed and interacted with by community members.

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